Determined to Rise is a one-day academy in law and leadership for middle-school students, entering grades 6-8, with fun and engaging workshops and inspiring speakers. By providing opportunities for education and interaction with women law students and attorneys, Ms. JD’s Determined to Rise Academy will allow students to see themselves as future members of the legal profession advocating for clients, serving as members of the judiciary, running for political office, launching innovative businesses and reaching back to share their education with other students in their communities.
We have two upcoming Determined to Rise Academies:
October 24, 2024 at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law (Please note, this event is not open to the public)
October 26, 2024 at Northeastern University School of Law, in partnership with the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
Explore an interest in law.
Students will have the opportunity to meet and connect with women in the legal industry, who will provide insight into working in law.
Make connections with peers.
Connect with other middle-school girls in the surrounding area.
Develop their leadership potential.
Gain an understanding of what it means to be a leader.
Get to know the Ms. JD organization.
Learn about Ms. JD and our mission to support and improve the experiences of women-identifying law students and lawyer.
9:00-9:30 am: Registration & Breakfast
9:30- 9:45 am: Welcome
9:45-10:00 am: Introduction to Law & Lawyering
10:00-10:45 am: Legal Lingo Bingo
10:45-11:30am: Law School Tour
11:30-11:45 am: Snack Break
11:45-12:15 pm: Reflective Lunch
12:15-12:30 pm: Path to Becoming a Lawyer
12:30-1:15 pm: Texas Women Lawyers Scavenger Hunt
1:15-2:15 pm: Mock Trial
2:15- 2:30 pm: Snack Break
2:30- 2:45 pm: What is Leadership?
2:45- 3:30 pm: Leaders to Admire
3:30- 4:00 pm: #DeclareYourAmbition Video and Exercise
4:00-4:30 pm: Evaluation & Book Exchange
Determined to Rise is a program that helps middle school students explore the possibilities of a career in law. They will learn about the legal profession, gain and understanding of what it means to be a lawyer, and what opportunities are available for women in this field.
Ms. JD's Determined to Rise Academy is open to students entering grades 6-8.
Ms. JD's Determined to Rise Academy will be taking place this October at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and Northeastern University School of Law. If you are interested in having a Determined to Rise Academy at your school or in your community, please reach out to Ms. JD's Program Director, Katie Day Winchenbach, at
There is no cost to you to have your child attend Ms. JD's Determined to Rise Academy.
No, students will be supervised by Ms. JD staff and volunteers throughout the duration of the event.
Yes, lunch is included for all attendees.
If your child has tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of Determined to Rise Academy, has had any COVID-19 symptoms, or been in close contact with someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, we ask you to keep your child home. Face masks will be available at Determined to Rise Academy for those who choose to wear them.
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